El Paso &
Have you ever desired to experience a foreign mission field? Would you like to see another land through the eyes of compassion with which God views it—the eyes that look past the unique sights, sounds, and experiences of a foreign culture, and see a people blinded by false religion and in need of a Savior? Have you wanted to see God's grace and mercy firsthand as you watch souls being drawn to Him? Have you longed to witness direct, visible answers to prayer? Have you desired to be drawn closer to God and be a vessel fit for the Master's use?
Bearing Precious Seed in El Paso, Texas offers such unique opportunities. Directly across the border from El Paso lies the city of Juarez and the nation of Mexico, a land sorely in need of the Gospel. Around 85 million Mexicans are nominal Catholics and have had their eyes blinded by false religion. Juarez is a city of about 2 million people, over 90% of which claim Catholicism as their faith.
Each summer, BPS El Paso teams up with independent Baptist churches in Mexico to help them reach their area with the Gospel. For eight weeks throughout the summer, BPS El Paso hosts mission teams from churches across the United States. Each week consists of times of challenging preaching, quiet moments with God, Scripture assembly at the Print Shop, and opportunities to participate in daily outreaches inn Juarez through Scripture distribution and evangelistic meetings. Each week includes multiple opportunities to reach hundreds of people with the Gospel.
We would like to invite you to join us on a mission trip that will impact eternity. For one week, you can serve the Lord on the foreign field and see God's mighty hand at work. Not only will the trip bring lost souls to a saving knowledge of Christ, it will also challenge the heart of the believer to be more burdened for the heartbeat of Christ—world evangelism. Come see what God can do through your church as you serve Him.
For further information, please contact Hector Jimenez at 915-549-7965 or Click Here to e-mail.